Being at a crossroads between life paths is a fundamental part of growth as people. The discomfort of uncertainty and our busy daily lives can distract us from what we aspire to in our jobs, our relationships with others, and our life purpose. We work with individuals who are in the “now what?” phase of their development; they know there is a change they want to begin and they’re curiously exploring their own inner wisdom to get there. As we move bravely into being within our truth and our own true potential, we need a plan of action to get there. That’s what coaching is about.
Coaching is an action-oriented space that is future-focused.
Coaching provides a space to identify the ways in which you want to grow, such as aligning your values and living them fully (even at work), leading and managing with an equity lens, developing more inclusive relationships, etc. Together with a coach, you can devise a plan and take action to make your goals and aspirations a reality. Coaching also provides a space to slow down and reflect on what is important to you and how you can bring more of it into your life and work. We specialize in working with emergent and mid-career professionals who have a commitment to advancing equity.
By nature, coaching is a co-creative relationship where one person is trying to bring about a change in their life and/or work, and a coach is holding space, perspective, and empathy for that change to manifest. It is a safer space where uncomfortable feelings, thoughts, and challenges can be explored without fear of judgment. And, coaching is also a space where you have a supportive accountability partner to guide your journey
What happens in a cosyn coaching partnership?
When we work together, you:
✔ Stretch yourself to figure out what is at the core of the change or goal you want to bring into your life and clarify it.
✔ Explore the multiple ways you can bring that change or goal into reality.
✔ Choose how you want to manifest it.
✔ Make a plan to live your choice.
✔ Test and adjust your choice and plan.
✔ Ongoingly learn what works for you, when you are at your best, and how you can make more space for it to be your reality.
✔ Get support managing changes in your relationships and the world as a result of living in your change or goal in alignment with your values.
How we work with you:
Coaching for Equity
We believe that all people come with strengths and a societal context that can challenge us in being at our best. Embedding an equity lens in coaching means taking into account the systemic and structural issues that impact a person's life experiences and outcomes. This includes understanding the ways in which race, gender, sexuality, class, and other social identities intersect to create unique challenges and opportunities for individuals.
By incorporating an equity lens into coaching, we navigate these challenges and work towards creating more equitable and just outcomes for yourself and your communities. This can involve exploring issues related to power, privilege, and oppression, as well as developing strategies for personal and collective empowerment and action.
Coaching Packages
Personal and Professional Growth Coaching
In Personal and Professional Growth Coaching, we focus on your inner transformation, exploring your values, beliefs, and behaviors to foster meaningful changes in your life. This offering is best for people who are at a crossroads and know there is something they want to change in their lives. Perhaps your current career is no longer fulfilling. Or your relationships (with yourself (with yourself and others) don’t feel aligned. Maybe you feel lost and want to finally figure out what is meaningful and life-giving to you. Whatever it may be, our coaching aims to build a balanced approach to personal and professional growth, allowing you to navigate life and work with greater clarity, purpose, and joy.
Leadership/Manager Coaching
What if we told you that being a leader looks many different ways and that your lived experience can actually be an antidote for deficit, imposter self-talk? Many people envision leadership to look and feel a certain way, when in reality, it manifests in many forms and can be just as effective regardless of your strengths or area of growth potential. We partner with emergent and mid-career leaders and leaders from underrepresented backgrounds working at established institutions to find their inner wisdom and channel it into authentic leadership.
Topics we cover can include: communication skills, building stronger relationships with their teams, managing transitions, or developing a more inclusive and equitable organizational culture.
How we work together to bring out your leadership potential:
✔ Leadership and values: Getting to the core of what inspires you to be your best.
✔ Exploration of your unique leadership style.
✔ Workshop areas of potential growth and gameplan to bring on new skills.
✔ Practice, practice, practice!
✔ Develop a work plan and accountability structure to keep forward momentum.
Equity Coaching
The work of meaningful social change is hard and, at times, lonely. You fight for legitimacy, you fight for resources, and you fight to keep hope alive for our institutions. Equitypractitioners and organizers need spaces where they are able to workshop their own experiences balancing all of these interests while keeping hopeful themselves.
As former equity practitioners ourselves, we get it. We’ve felt like burning down the system, been burned by an oppressive system, and been burnt out by the burden of carrying the hopes and dreams of our ancestors forward. We wished we had a coach to support us.
We see you. You are unapologetically welcome here.
We’re offering a space to work through these challenges but also equipping you with the tools to go out and keep getting into good trouble. We’ll work with you on common equity practitioner challenges and co-design ways to thrive in your role. We cover this at a few levels:
✔ At the individual level, coaching helps you define your personal equity goals, assess growth areas, and identify support systems.
✔ At the group level, it facilitates the integration of diverse needs within teams and develops shared foundations and relationships to achieve common goals.
✔ Interpersonally, it encourages understanding and respect for different experiences and identities, while building meaningful connections and co-creating inclusive environments.
✔ Organizationally, it establishes equitable norms and behaviors, and creates frameworks for equity in daily interactions and projects. As a result, you will develop an enhanced ability to tackle equity challenges, improved leadership skills, and professional well-being.